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1. Thumb: 60 weeks.
2. First finger (index finger): 35 weeks.
3. Second finger: 30 weeks.
4. Third finger: 20 weeks.
5. Fourth finger (little finger): 15 weeks.
6. First phalanx of the thumb or any finger: one-half compensation for loss of entire thumb or finger.
7. Great toe: 30 weeks.
8. A toe other than a great toe: 10 weeks.
9. First phalanx of any toe: one-half compensation for loss of entire toe.
10. Hand: 150 weeks.
11. Arm: 200 weeks.
12. Foot: 125 weeks.
13. Leg: 175 weeks.
14. Permanent total loss of the vision of an eye: 100 weeks.
15. Permanent total loss of hearing of an ear: 50 weeks.
16. Severely marked disfigurement resulting from an injury not otherwise compensated by this section: not to exceed 60 weeks.
17. Pneumoconiosis, including but not limited to silicosis and asbestosis, medically determined to be in the:
a. First stage: 50 weeks.
b. Second stage: 100 weeks.
c. Third stage: 300 weeks.
18. Byssinosis: 50 weeks.